How to save money renovating kitchens and bathrooms
If you’re looking to undertake a renovation job then chances are the kitchen and bathrooms will be on your ‘to do’ list. These are ‘make or break’ rooms in a property if you’re looking to sell it or rent it out for a great price. Read More.
Given the fall in the exchange rate of the Australian dollar over the past month, it came as no surprise that the Reserve Bank Board decided to leave the cash rate unchanged at 2.75 per cent this week.
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The housing industry continues to play a prominent role in the Australian economy, and data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that tradesmen are doing much of the work.
The figures show that the construction industry generated $305 billion in total income, contributed $99 billion to the Australian economy and employed 950,000 people during 2011-12.
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After a seemingly endless rollercoaster ride, home values finished the financial year on a higher note, according to figures released this week by property valuer RP Data.
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Just how much do you know about those living around you? A worldwide initiative is underway, making great efforts to make sure you know more.
Initially founded in 2009, Meet Your Neighbours is a project dedicated to reconnecting people with the wildlife on their own doorsteps. For many, the wildlife immediately surrounding their homes is the only regular (and in some cases the only) contact with wildlife they will have.
The incredible collection of images is ever growing from 6 collaborating countries around the world. Fuelled by passionate photographers, the exquisite shots of local flora and fauna in their natural habitat encourage and cultivate appreciation for the life around us. See for yourself at
Note to property investors: grab a ‘cuppa’ and head into the study, we’re going to look into all the relevant tax deductions you can claim in this year’s return.
We’re also going to note a few ‘grey areas’ where the ATO (Australian Taxation Office) warns you may find your claims being knocked back on technicalities...
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This time of the year many of us become very aware of how much energy we are using to keep our homes warm and start looking for ways to reduce consumption.
One way to do that is to ensure that the family turn off lights as they leave a room.
Remembering to turn off the air conditioning is a little harder to do, but thanks to a small Australian invention, it can now be automated. Aircon Off is designed to detect body heat, and so will turn your air conditioning unit onto standby when the room is unoccupied for a set amount of time.