
Just add air

A new shower nozzle that uses up to 50 per cent less water while maintaining the sensation of full pressure could provide Australians with guilt-free showers over the hot, dry summer – simply by adding air, scientists have announced.

Dr Jie Wu, a fluids specialist at CSIRO, said that the Oxijet nozzle developed by New Zealand company Felton in collaboration with CSIRO feels just as wet and strong as a full flow shower, but uses much less water.

He said it also differs from traditional 'low flow' devices.

"Traditional flow restrictors reduce flow and pressure, whereas Oxijet uses the flow energy to draw air into the water stream, making the water droplets hollow," Dr Wu said.

"This expands the volume of the shower stream, meaning you can save the same amount of water, while still enjoying your shower."

The device can be fitted to most existing showerheads and is accredited by the Australian Watermark and Water Efficiency and Labelling Standards. It is now available for purchase in Australia.