Be very wary of rental guarantees
I have been warning people about rental guarantees for over a decade in articles, books, and media interviews however it appears that prospective buyers continue to be fooled by the slick marketing.
I regularly speak with people who have had a negative experience when buying a property with a rental guarantee and I am yet to find one who tells me "we purchased the property at a great price, the company honoured the rental guarantee and the property rented for more once the rental guarantee period finished". Read more
Once again, the Reserve Bank has opted to leave interest rates unchanged for another month.
In a statement announcing the Bank’s decision, Governor Glenn Stevens pointed to increasing stability on the global economy as well as improvements in the domestic one. But he also left the way open for further rate cuts 'should that be necessary'...
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Known prominently as an actor, writer and producer, Matt Damon has also paved a steady career in philanthropy. Having founded a number of charities and supporting a long list of others, he has now released a public statement displaying an entirely new level of support and restraint in the weeks leading up to Water Day on March 22.
In a staged press release (where most of the ‘press’ are fellow actors and comedians), Matt announced that he's going on strike.
During the brief announcement, he noted that worldwide, 780 million people lack access to clean water; 2.5 billion people lack access to a toilet or clean sanitation; and that for as little as $25 you can give somebody clean water for life.
"In protest of the global tragedy, until the issue is resolved, until everybody has access to clean water and sanitation, I will not go to the bathroom," Matt said.
To enjoy the 'press conference' and find out more about the cause that is grabbing attention worldwide, visit
Official figures show approvals to build houses rose in January after three months of falls, while approvals for apartments fell after rising for the past two months...
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Perth has been named one of the top five 'geothermal cities' in the world. See why here...
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New home sales hit the right note for the new year, posting a fourth consecutive monthly rise in January, the Housing Industry Association (HIA) announced this week...
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Shadow puppets are traditionally considered a form of entertainment, but there is no reason why they can’t be an art form as well.
Netherlands-based design group Plankton has given the timeless art new wings with Bird In Hand, a room light with a shade made up of sculpted hand shapes. Fashioned from Ecolotek (a durable, fully compostable material composed of hemp fibres, minerals and binder), the hand shapes rotate slowly casting shadowy images of birds in flight across the walls of the room.