
Mr. Average now a woman

After decades of being a male in his twenties, the average Australian is now a 37-year old woman with a monthly mortgage of $1800, according to analysis of data from the 2011 census.

The latest Australian Social Trends report released this week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that if there such a thing as an average Australian, it would be a married woman, living with her husband and two children in a three-bedroom house in a suburb of one of Australia's capital cities.

They would have lived in that house for at least five years, and have a mortgage where they pay $1800 a month.

The average Australian was also born in Australia, as were both of her parents.

ABS Director of Social and Progress Reporting Jane Griffin-Warwicke said that Census data also shows how the average has changed over time.

“For example, 50 years ago the average Australian was a 29 year old man”, Ms Griffin-Warwicke said.

“And 100 years ago the average Australian was a 24 year old man", she added.