
When is the best season to sell your house?

Winter arrives this weekend, the season that many believe is not a good time to put the house on the market. But is that true? Is any one season better, really?

Seasonal timing is often overlooked when selling a house, yet it is an important aspect to take into account. The changing of seasons offers opportunities for venders and buyers alike, so the trick is picking the best time to act.

There are definitely peak selling seasons, but these change from year to year and vary from market to market. Weather has an influence on peak season, but doesn't dictate it.

Early spring and early autumn are considered to be prime listing seasons, being the times when homeowners prefer to spend their time preparing their homes for sale; when the kids are getting out of school (or just going back); and when houses look their best – away from the heat of summer or the cold of winter.

On the other hand, if your house accommodates those seasons really well, it is a definite selling feature. A house that is warmed by the sun in winter will sell itself when shown in that light.

If you decide to sell during a peak season in your area, keep in mind there are many more houses on the market then, meaning you'll have more competition and quite possibly find it tougher to make a sale. Still, it's also likely that more prospective buyers will see your home, once again increasing your chance of making a sale.

Your home will attract the most excitement and attention when it's first listed, which means during this period you have an increased chance at making a quick sale. Certain factors can influence how soon a house will sell, but there are things you can do to ensure the quickest sale possible.

Some of the factors that affect saleability include local and national economic factors; market conditions; the number of comparable homes for sale in your area; and whether or not people are buying new homes, existing homes, or none at all. Any of these can speed up (or slow down) the sale of your home, but you can always increase your chances of a speedy sale by preparing your house for sale. Here are some simple suggestions –

Make it look good – you may have noticed movie stars are always perfectly groomed when they’re in the public eye? The same basic principle applies with your house! Presentation plays a major role in the sale.

Price it right – a high percentage of buyers purchase homes at market value, not above it. Price your home at market value and you're likely to see more prospects, which increases your chance for a (good) sale.

Market it well - reduce the time to sell with proper marketing. Innovative, effective marketing is crucial to improving your sell time. To reach the most possible buyers, a good agent will advertise your home across many different and relevant venues, going far beyond traditional methods like print advertising to proven-effective avenues like the web and direct mail.