Large areas of southern Australia, especially along the east and west coasts extending inland, face ‘above normal’ fire potential for the 2013-2014 fire season.
The Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre this week released its seasonal bushfire outlook, showing that above average rainfall and temperatures across the country this year have resulted in a build up of fuel in grasslands. The higher temperatures have also seen forests begin to dry out.
Elsewhere across southern Australia, the fire potential is considered to be normal for 2013- 2014, but normal fire conditions can still produce fast running fires, the Bushfire CRC warns.
The outlook is available for download from the Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre’s website.
If you are not sure of the ability of your home to withstand bushfires, you can do a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment which is part of the residential building Australian Standard (AS
3959-2009) to improve the ability of buildings to withstand attack from bushfires.
The BAL takes into consideration a number of factors including the Fire Danger Index, the slope of land, types of surrounding vegetation and its proximity to any building. BAL calculators can be found on many Rural Fire Service or local council websites.
The Bushfire Design Guide is also available for download from Archicentre and contains advice for homeowners and builders and covers topics including:
Design Principles in Bushfire Prone Areas
* Keep the exterior design of the house simple and avoid crevices or cracks where burning material can lodge.
* Avoid decorative timberwork such as trellis and lattice-work on exposed areas of the building. Remember timber balconies and decks are also high danger areas for trapping burning debris and should be kept to a minimum.
* Make sure you have any chimneys screened off to stop embers blowing down the chimney during the fire and entering the home.
* In designing the home ensure the use of leafless guttering or if allowed by council install ground level rubble drain collectors.
Management Issues
* Do not store firewood against or under the home
* Make sure all doors have close fitting screens
* Clear all debris from guttering and decks
* Have a fire emergency plan - check with local fire brigade