
Take a break - at home

If life seems constantly abuzz with activity and you just can't escape the chaos, maybe it's time to create a ‘chill out’ space in your home that promotes leisure and a little ‘alone’ time.

Too many of us simply collapse on the sofa in front of the TV in sheer exhaustion. But this doesn’t really help, because (unless we fall asleep) we are then just bombarded with more images of murder, mayhem and things we need to buy!

What is needed is a space – not necessarily a whole room – where we can sit comfortably, think, read, daydream, create visions or even take a little nap.

First, decide where you feel most comfortable in your home, where you can see yourself spending 15 minutes or so just relaxing. Is it outside or inside? Is there a quiet corner of a room or the verandah? Even if you have a very small place such as an apartment, you could maybe get a comfortable outdoor chair for the balcony, with some lush plants and perhaps a wind chime.

The essential element is to make sure it’s away from the family area. Now, create the space by adding items that define it and add tranquility, such as:
• Comfortable chair, cushion, pillows
• Throw blanket
• Wind chimes
• Fresh air
• Plants
• Family photos
• Special memorabilia
• Journals
• Music
• Spiritual symbols
• Water fountain

The only thing left now is to make sure the family understands that your tranquil space is not to be disturbed under any circumstances – and for you to enjoy it.