Just because it’s been on the market for over 8 weeks doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a lemon!
Many properties come onto the market way overpriced. There are two main reasons why this happens, either the vendor has insisted on a high price or the sales agent has told them an inflated figure to convince the owner to list the property with their agency (it’s called buying the listing or buying the business)...

Despite a drop in November, building approvals are still higher than last year, according to seasonally adjusted data released this week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
The November result was impacted considerably by multi-unit dwellings, though the fall was evident across all residential building types. Approvals for standalone houses fell 1.7 per cent, while ‘dwellings excluding houses’ dropped 10.8 per cent.
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New rules that affect all Australian residents selling property are now in place and effective, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) has announced.
Changes to the Foreign Resident Capital Gains Withholding (FRCGW) legislation mean that Australian residents need a clearance certificate from the ATO for all property contracts signed on and after 1 January 2025, regardless of the sale price. What is it and how will this work?
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How did your budget pull up after the Christmas break? New research from ASIC’s Moneysmart has revealed that Aussies possibly spent, on average, almost $800 each to fund gifts, holidays and celebrations.
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One in three homeowners in the US say they have no intention of ever selling their home, a survey shows.
According to real estate brokerage Redfin, 34 per cent of homeowners say they will never consider selling and 27 per cent more say they won’t sell for at least 10 years. Many say it’s because their home is almost or completely paid off, while others say they just don’t want to move.

Some people might feel blessed to have possums living nearby, but most of us think a cute face is just not enough to make up for the poor housekeeping, late night stampedes and shameless raids on garden beds.
Like all Australian native animals, brush-tail possums are fully protected. So what do you do if your efforts to live in harmony and mutual respect just aren’t being reciprocated?
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Before you go ahead with those renovation plans, you’re going to have to deal with local council to get any building work approved. Here are some tips for making the process as painless as possible:
- speak to the neighbours first - they will appreciate being told and be more likely to understand what you are doing and why;
- obtain a copy of the local council's Development Control Plans so that you know the criteria for renovations and additions in your area; and
- allow at least six weeks for council to approve any plans.