
It’s official

Property prices are soaring, ABS confirms. Also in the news this week, rental affordability improves; and, why do we like to check out other people’s homes online?

Property prices up $52,600

Property prices around Australia grew at record-breaking speeds in the June quarter, according to new data released this week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

The figures show that residential prices rose 6.7 per cent in the June quarter 2021. House price rises generally outpaced apartments and units, with growth driven by the upper segments of the market.

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Why do we love online listings?

Have you ever checked out other peoples’ homes online, even if you’re not looking to buy? It’s a surprisingly popular pastime, research shows.

A survey conducted recently by UK multi-listing site Zoopla found that a whopping 59 per cent of Brits admit to checking out how much someone they know has paid for their home.

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Rental affordability improves

Rental affordability improved marginally across Australia, the Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) announced this week.

The REIA’s latest quarterly Housing Affordability Report shows that rental affordability around the country improved by 0.3 percentage points over June quarter 2021.

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Taste the difference, make a difference

With awareness growing of the importance of the quality of food we eat and products we use in our homes, Australians are increasingly adopting organic practices and materials.

Next week (Monday 20 to Sunday 26 September 2021) is National Organic Week (NOW). Here are a few excellent reasons why we should all sit up and pay attention...

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Million dollar parking spot

If we thought property prices were soaring in Australia, it’s nothing compared with Hong Kong, where a car space sold recently for AU$1.74m.

According to the BBC, the sale was one of several at a new luxury development on The Peak, overlooking Victoria Harbour. In a crowded city, any space comes at a premium, it seems.

Change here for a good night’s rest

Want a quick easy change you can make to your home this weekend? Move your bedroom furniture around – put the bed against a different wall and maybe add a comfy chair by the window.

Take care with the bed’s position, though – according to Feng Shui principles, it is not wise to have your feet pointing south, nor the bedhead against a window.